'miniasics' by Chase Walker
In only a few short months, Asics Skateboarding has established a solid foothold (pun!) in the often fickle world of skate footwear. As part of their entry into the market, Asics assembled a squad in Minneapolis earlier this summer to explore the city’s abundance of skate locales, both outdoor and indoor (Familia HQ ❤️).
Additionally, the truly unbelievable (in a the best way) occurrence of Mark Huminek skating Northrop Plaza was made possible via this clip, so we’re understandably a little extra stoked on this one.
Filmed by: Chase Walker, Charlie Porter, Oskar Barret, Caleb Roebke, and Chase Derlinger
Edited by: Chase Walker
Featuring: Akwasí Owusu, Trung Nguyen, Connor Gasch, Nico Marti, Zak Anders, Tony Meza, Max Jang, Roland Wiley, Ty Stigney, Philly Santosuosso, Mark Humienik, Kaspar Van Lierop, Rob Sissi, Sean Kelling, DJ Plummer, and Alan Bell