Giant Can Drive 2024

We’re so happy to have hosted our third (!?!) annual Giant Can Drive at Vans Space 198 with our buds at Skate Jawn and Vans Skate this past Friday. Thanks to everyone who came out, and thanks (even more) if you brought canned goods to benefit or partners at One Community.

Cyrus Bennett and Salomon Cardenas Jr. peruse the Skate Jawn photo issue, fresh off the press.

Danny Falla? More like Can-ny Falla!

Big thanks to Super Burrito and Fat Tire for providing food and drink.

Marisol Concha and Elissa Martini, well hydrated and well read.

The rare double admin reveal + Greg Szudzik and Mike D of Weekend Recap fame.

Jersey Dave and our contest winners

The good ol’ boys - Max Palmer, Chris from Vans, and Solomon.

The homie and Cooper Qua.

Skate Jawn double admin reveal - what a concept!

Village Psychic