Municipal Skateboards 'Waste'

We’re big fans of skate #content that features less-than-desirable spots being skated in general, so when we got to talking to Municipal Skateboards from Philly about their new trash themed board graphics, a concept emerged – a clip of skating a trash-filled alley, complete with actual trash being skated. This, we were into. In an era where skating is everywhere culturally and about to be as mainstream as it’s ever been, the clip (and accompanying photos, see below) are a good reminder of what skating is it’s best form: having fun with your top doggs and skating whatever is around, even if it’s straight up junk. Enjoy the clip below, and be sure to peep Municipal’s Toly Bitny, Ricky Geiger, Zack Peacock, and Dylan Pearce in Vanish, one of 2019’s finer videos. Also, shout out to the pun in this video name.

Featuring: Dylan Pearce, Matt Militano, Sean Spellissy, Toly Bitny, Zack Peacock, Ricky Geiger, Chuck Werbany, Pedro Purcell, and Todd MacGlaughlin. Filmed & edited by Carson Reuther.

Ricky Geiger, wallride nollie AKA The Quimtime

Ricky Geiger, wallride nollie AKA The Quimtime

Zack Peacock, tailgrab

Zack Peacock, tailgrab

Ricky Geiger, 360 flip

Ricky Geiger, 360 flip

Chuck Werbany, gap to frontside wallride

Chuck Werbany, gap to frontside wallride

Village Psychic