Talking Bronze's It's Time With JP Blair
Our interviewee with a close-up angle of a Nick Ferro 360 flip.
Unless you’ve been living on a remote mountain eating nothing but bees, you’ve likely been informed that the latest video offering from Bronze, entitled It’s Time, premiered in Brooklyn on Saturday and will be released to the world soon. To celebrate the occasion, we talked to Bronze filmer JP Blair about what to expect (spoiler: Windsor James does not have the last part).
VP: How long have you guys been filming for It’s Time?
JP: It’s been about year or two…it is tough to say. We’ve put some clips out while filming, but I would say about a year and a half.
VP: How have you been deciding what will be saved? How involved with the editing are you?
JP: That’s all Peter (Sidlauskas) and Pat, I’m not involved with editing at all. I have no idea what made the cut, I actually haven’t seen the video. Tonight is going to be the first time. Pat Murray, the other dude that does Bronze, he finds music, a lot of the random shit.
Joseph Delgado with a kickflip backside tailside in Bronze 56k. This spot just might make a reappearance in It’s Time.
VP: How long have you been involved with the Bronze videos?
JP: Since the beginning, since 56K.
Brendan Carroll, switch ollie to switch flip, not in America.
VP: So it seems like you guys were traveling a lot for this, where have you guys gone?
JP: Paris twice, Milan, LA, SF. I think that’s it.
John Shanahan, frontside 50-50 at a spot you (probably) can’t skate, wearing shoes you can’t buy.
VP: How did it feel to film a VIRAL CLIP?
JP: (laughs) Yeah, I don’t know, man. We showed up at Le Dome and Fashion Week was going on and we were just like, shit, we need to do something with this.
VP: Who’s going to have the best part?
JP: Everyone…Buggy (Nick Ferro)? Brendan? Honestly, it is all going to be good, people have been killing it, really putting effort into this video. Trying to get shit, you know. There will be a lot of switch hardflips in this video, (laughs).
Nick Ferro, indoor switch hardflip right out of the elevator via @switchhardflipreport.
VP: Who has the best switch hardflip?
JP: Kevin Davis has the best one. He’s the one who started the whole @switchhardflipreport, the originator.
VP: Will this video be worse, as good, or better than Circa’s It’s Time?
JP: (laughs) I’ll let the people decide that one, I can’t say.
Brian Wenning in a Bronze tee. For the culture.
VP: If you could have one skater from New Jersey in the video, past or present, who would you want in the video?
JP: Brian Wenning. He was repping some Bronze gear. We were in LA, and he was out there and we were like ‘Oh shit! Get him in the van!’. He did not get in the van.
VP: Ok, last one - what’s your favorite Bronze project been?
JP: Probably this one. We’ve been traveling, more and more people getting involved. And people, I feel like this one, I don’t know…the last few videos, it felt like we’d be filming, then the video would come out, and everything just kind of happened. For this one everyone is really trying hard, trying to get their best shit. People are psyched right now.
As far as a release date for the video, see below: