HSS Sacrificial Blue Park Spectacular
We helped Halloween Stickers Skateboards throw their Sacrificial Blue Park Spectacular this past Sunday at Martinez Playground AKA Blue Park AKA Boo Park. Both blood and beer were flowing all day, and what a day it was! A bone chilling jam was held on a candy corn themed obstacle, of course HSS’s Liam McCabe was going off, and we got to see the brand new HSS video. Check out some highlights below:
Our guy Ian Browning was there dressed as every skater in New York’s greatest fear: getting stuck at the Popeye’s Ledge.
There’s something distinctly special about what HSS is doing. The event, although thankfully well attended, just felt like a bunch of friends hanging out. Perhaps prize offerings of “3 dollars and a beer!” kept the vibe very friend-level, but whatever magic was in effect it made for a great time. Thanks to everyone who attended, and thank you Labor and HSS for making us part of such a special (and spooooky) event. We’re already stoked for the next sacrifice.