A Country of Pyramids, New Blog Stylez and Rad Step Dads
Jackson Casey just does skate videos right. The skaters, music, art direction - it's an entire package with this dude. Thrasher is posting sections from his newest video Pyramid Country. Our guess is that the entire video will end up on the site, but the video is seriously worth buying (we promise we are not tugging your leg).
Diminutive ripper Dillon Constantine has a part for Tiltmode.
THE HESH has a new layout.
So does Jenkem, where there's a very intere$$$ting interview with Kerry Getz.
UNCONFIRMED RUMORS: Brandon Westgate on Element, Logan Lara on 917.
Weird, wild stuff from Mark Suciu in Telecine, the new clip from Atlas Skate Shop. Switch 360 flip.
Telecine from Atlas is short and sweet. Mark Suciu does a really wild switch 360 flip and Joey Guevara skates like he grew up watching Mosaic.
The guys at Step Dad Mag have a new video out, check it out and get inspired to shred and barbecue with your buds during the summer.