Salt Stains, the coolest Borderline Juggalo, Uropaghia, and Wild Gesticulations
Kiran Stone front blunts a reminder of the struggle all too familiar to skaters of the East Coast and Midwest. Via Complex.
Anthony Hart's 'Salt Stains' Dunk for Nike SB was released this week, and photos of a frozen skate session have been surfacing. It's safe to say we'll be seeing a very original wear test video soon. Read what the man himself had to say about it here.
Brandon Westgate gives us his top 5 video parts via Quartersnacks. It is a solid list that doesn't contain your usual suspects. It does however list a very choice Dennis Busenitz part. Leave it to that dude to dress like a borderline juggalo in one clip and a college sophomore in the next, AND pull it off.
Steve Nesser and Tabari Cook come through hard as fuck in the Send Help video. Tabari undoubtably has the best frontside crook around right now.
Make sure your mom isn't in the room when you watch the first installment of this year's King of the Road series from Thrasher. Some guys drink pee in it.
Thrasher's King of the Road 2014 looks amazing, thanks to all HD footage and the presence of Peter Smolik. It's also worth a watch just to see Evan Smith drink his own pee and then make out with not one, but two different girls.
Have you guys seen the Plan B video yet? There sure are a lot of crazy limb movements in there, huh?
Who cares what this trick is called, go vote for Bobby Worrest for Skater of the Year. Now.
Just a reminder that Bobby Worrest is up for SOTY and that voting for him is a great idea. You know your boy has our vote.