Xeroxed penises, DBong on the Berrics and a dude named Peanut in a visor
See Jacks massive switch ollie plus much more in his new part from Mitch Guth.
Jack Dawkins and Reed Evavold have a really great new part filmed and edited by Mitch Guth. The kids are alright.
Send Help's new video GET BORN (which is edited by Jackson Casey!) premiers this Sunday at Familia HQ in Minneapolis. In you are in MN, GET THERE B.
More Jack Dawkins, along with some other rippers at Familia HQ in this new Oskar Barrett clip.
Sean Cliver's greatest personal triumph, Chico Brenes' nude beach board for World Industries.
"I still readily recall Matt Schnurr pooping on the art room floor while Tim Gavin was making photocopies of his penis on the Xerox machine." Chris Nieratko talks with Sean Cliver, the man behind Disposable, Big Brother, and some of the best graphics in skateboard history.
This new Debri2 throwaway montage is good stuff. They narrowly beat Nestor Judkins' in using the hot new song of the summer first.
The Berrics have a feature on Familia. It features elusive street footage of Dennis Burdick.