thnku, format, beer up bro down

Chris Burt's THNKU is premiering tonight, Friday September 25th, in Minnesota. The video boasts parts from Mike Lemnitzer, Jack Olson, Pat Gallaher, and more. Following up his last project, (attn dfct), would be intimidating, but we have a feeling we will all be satisfied with this project. You can order a DVD of the video here.


Go get some bruises and scrapes you can't explain at work the following Monday.

Format released their first drop, and it looks great, shortly after they released their first video and it rules! Off to an awesome start, boys.

The many faces of Greco. 

Kingpin compiled a listicle of a kind of classic move. 

Jerry Hsu gets Chrome Balled. Can't get enough of either of these dudes :)

Annnnnnddddd going out with a laugh: Gerwer and Andrew Allen feeding goats.

Village Psychic