Incredible Videos, Eat shit, Wierd Stories
A little something to speed up your Friday leading into the long weekend :)
Is this Jesse Kruger's throwaway footage? If it is, that's fucked. As seen in Boutta eat shit.
The 4N has a new clip titled Boutta eat shit.
Quartersnacks came through with an important history lesson.
Deep Dish 2 is incredible. Shouts out to Matt Nordness. Can someone please turn him pro?
Sable is also incredible.
Rack is as well incredible.
Blake Carpenter is now pro and Jordan Taylor is still am-chilling :(
Yo, what... happened? Jereme Rogers is on some wild shit. And wtf is Heath Kirchart doing? Thrasher's King of the Road is crazy.
New England: Go have fun at this event! The show goes up at Orchard's Extension Gallery on September 12th.