Backstreet Atlas, Bronze Interview, Propeller and more
Even Father wants to catch some gnar everyone now and again. Photo: Morecowboy
The down-under pimps at PASS~PORT have added Nik Stipo to their team and released this amazing part as a formal announcement.
"I think porn is good, but it's a little misleading. I was appalled to find out most girls really don't like three dicks in the butt." Chris Nieratko interviews Bronze boy Peter Sidlauskas for VICE, and it is just as weird as you would guess (a Bronze Adult Swim show?).
The newest last full length video ever, Vans' Propeller , is now available world wide, and everyone is talking about it. Quartersnacks reviews the noseslides of Propeller, Platinum talks highlights of the video and Kingpin talks to Rowely. Want our review of the video? Yeah it was tight man, you should check it out.
Backstreet Atlas boys are back this Summer, not exactly sure with what, but it sure looks pretty.
The dudes who brought us The Joy of Skating are back with a new video, The Quilt, premiering June 5th, along with John Hebert's first video, New Life. Watch The Quilt promo here and the New Life promo here.