3030 vision, winter montages, the wheelie king, and more: friday links
San Francisco: next Thursday, be sure to check out the 3030 premier. The line up is strictly boss hogs, and rumor has it that this will be Dan Narloch's last part :( Check the promo here.
Marty is the wheelie king and is currently doing the coolest noseslides. His new part rules!
Fucking Winter: Shane Brown and friends make a video at the SNOWjibway Plaza, Quartersnacks also has a snow montage.
I would not have guessed when watching the Gold Goons vid that Chris Troy would get me so hyped.
The Gold Goons video is oddly refreshing. VP favorite Dane Vaughn's amazing footage, a Range Rover tow, Chris Troy and vert footage to Wu Tang are just a few of the things that make this a unique video. Check out parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.
"The next time I see Vivien... The next time I see those fucking French dudes Vivien is dead! Tell him to never come back to the city because I'll kill him!" A very chill portrait of Bobby Puleo is painted in Kingpin's interview with Josh Stewart and Vivien Feil.
Hurry up.